Yeside Linney
Born in Nigeria, educated in England, Yeside Linney is a retired English Teacher turned Artist. Her work seeks to deepen her relationship with her heritage by selecting fragments of her lived experiences, the landscape in which she inhabits, research and aspirations to rest in consolidating a sense of identity.
For her, tapping into her immediate natural surroundings is often a springboard to exploring preoccupations of vulnerability, both in the threat the immediate physical landscape faces, which mirrors her conflicting sense of displacement but also to her adjustment to explore the landscape of self.
Yeside’s work is a product of an intensely independent style, which flows free of convention, and which defies easy categorisation. Her approach has always been intuitive; change is at the core of an ongoing dialogue with herself. Figures often play into abstracted works through the overall theme of healing. She often teases out symbols of decay and loss, avoiding trappings of nostalgia by envisioning avenues out of displacement. The result is a restorative narrative to navigate feelings and thoughts about the complexity and enduring vulnerability in her life.
Yeside is a double award winner in the Women in Art prize 2022 and exhibits mainly in London.