Felicity Flutter - Surf Shapes
20.5 x 40.5 cm, watercolour & pencil, 2018
From storm Doris, February 2018, during a receding tide, there was little colour although the sun was creating shadows, the subject was perfect for a monochrome tonal painting, using both wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry techniques.
Felicity Flutter
Felicity lives near the coast at Rye. Following a career in graphic design, she now finds inspiration in the sea and skies, with changes of mood and weather. She visits the coastline during the stormiest weather, embracing the chance of finding something unique, each time not knowing in advance what she will encounter. She enjoys the many variations found in the appearance of water: from flat calm mirror like surfaces to wild foaming waves. She captures the light, tone and movement of waves with watercolour, which can be spontaneous and unpredictable like her subject. She paints many thin glazes of transparent paint, finishing with a dry brush, natural sponge or pencil to create random marks.