Anthony Garratt - The Storm
2.5 x 4.5 metres, mixed media on panel, 2019
Anthony Garratt
Anthony’s painting practice is concerned with the weather; its impact on the landscape and himself, his research often finds him in heavy weather conditions in remote locations. Inspiration continually comes from the landscape, its history and the ever-changing climate. He is interested in the ‘geology’ of paint, experimenting being an important process of discovery. His public installations connect the process of painting with a place and its heritage. The idea being that the closer our emotional connection with the landscape is, the more likely we are to build a bond and empathy with it. Anthony has established an artistic residency in the South African Wilderness in collaboration with renowned photographer, Barry Cawston, and a new art concept called, ‘Art For Good’ promoting connection with the landscape through painting. He lives in South Devon and is a tutor at the Newlyn School of Art in Cornwall.