Anne-Laure Carruth - As the storm approaches, Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk

120 x 59 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015

120 x 59 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015


An afternoon painting in the picturesque Suffolk countryside, when a summer storm approaches. The frantic energy of the storm captures Anne-Laure’s imagination and ignites her inner wild spirit. A painting completed in minutes, running before the storm, giddy with excitement and a feeling of absolute freedom of creation. Being alive.


Anne-Laure Carruth

Anne-Laure is a creative explorer whose work is based in nature, plants and remote landscape. Recent journeys have taken her to North Africa, Iran, Mexico and Greenland. She works across the disciplines of art, architecture and design, with a focus on the importance of biophilia (love of all living things) and re-wilding ourselves in order to shift to a more sustainable existence on this planet. She also explores the realms of the mind, including mental health, depression and anxiety. She seeks to inspire others to find their own creative voice and adventurous spirit through her talks, workshops and her artwork.